Tuesday 2 November 2010

learning diary 1

Hello everyone! I felt I should just give an update as to how my project is going and a small run-down to remind you all of what exactly my project includes.
I have felt for a while that theatre has explored a lot different issues that are apparent in society as of late. The theatre I work in, for example, has produced pieces such as “crime of the century” in which through different characters looks at topics such as gang culture and knife crime. “Hairspray” is a well-known musical which, as well as being loved for its catchy musical numbers, looks into racism during the 1960’s and body image issues. An issue that has not been delivered by many theatres is alcohol awareness/abuse which is on the up-rise, particularly in youth. “There is a sharp increase in drinking from the ages of 11 to 15. In 2004, 4 in 100 pupils aged 11 had drunk in the previous week compared to 45 in 100 15-year-olds.”
I feel it’s a strong issue that, through being theatrically workshopped with 17-25 year olds (people about to embark into the world of alcohol or already drinking), could develop awareness to youth.
After liaising with the head of education at my work placement, I developed a workshop to be delivered to the Btec second year students in the building (17+ years) and foundation degree first year (18+ years) including activities on the lack of brain development on underage drinking, manipulation on the body, and text about the subject creatively talking about the point of view of an individual with a hangover. This morning (Tuesday 2nd November) I delivered, with a small team of students, the workshop that I produced from my preliminary research (questionnaires and interviews) to the Btec second year students in the building. It went really well, and I will be uploading pictures very soon! Some activities were better received by the students than others, but for the slightly older students in the foundation degree I will be re-working the activities that didn’t go as well as they were quite confusing.


  1. Sarah Look forward to an update on the project. If you'd said everything went without any hitches - I would wonder because generally when things are piloted there are a few things that need changing or fine tuning. Interesting concepts and topical ones for educational environments such as where you work. Where did you get the data about alcohol abuse in teenagers? Has there been much written about using theatre tackling social problems like this one?

  2. hello paula, of corse there were hitches in the workshop.as i said some workshop activities were better recieved than others as some of the activities i feel would be better for a slightly older age range. all of the positives and negatives i have aquired from this workshop are going to feed into changes to the workshop for when i do it for the foundation degree year 1's at my place of work.
    look forward to talking to you at the next campus session
    sarah c
