Tuesday 26 April 2011

blog one: commentary on sharing resorces using resorces using delicious.

“Delicious” is a bookmarking web services, which you can share with friends and work colleagues, like a social networking site for sharing websites you have tagged that are of useful to your work or interests.
Having used delicious only briefly during my project, I mostly used the service to merely collect useful websites for my own project towards the appendices. I found the service very useful, as I could save the bookmark and write notes on the content as briefly or detailed as I wanted. Then when going back to my bookmarks, I could view who else uses the same bookmark and see if they had saved any bookmarks/sites of a similar nature which I could find of interest to my project.
In previous projects, creating an appendices has meant copying and pasting every site mentioned in my work which can be quite time consuming, and equally has taken up the same amount of effort, stress, and time as writing the work due to having to back-track through every saved website without the helpful notes you can make with delicious.

Delicious has also allowed the class to view what each student is working on, and to the extent the individual has been researching for their project. As the class are all working on completely different projects we have a variation of websites, which can over-lap when two or more students have a similar area of study. With this in mind, it means we have been able to help each other out with sourcing certain aspects of our examinations and studies. At the best of times, it is hard to find the ideal website for exactly what you want to say with your reasons, in the past it has taken me days to find a site that links immediately with my work and the point I want to make, or to find the précised knowledge I need to acquire to gain an understanding of a particular aspect of my work. This allows us to find them and share them with each other, and also search to see if any have found what were looking for.

In general, I found using delicious made the collecting of research easier to obtain and maintain for my work, as well as making the implementing of an appendices additionally far more organised then in previous projects.
I will definitely keep it in mind for any future projects I have as it makes the aspects of retaining information from the web plain and simple.

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